Неуспешно кандидатстване за Poplus

Кандидатства се за финансиране от Poplus за преизполване на техния софтуер. Poplus e проект на MySociety, които ни помагат по проекта Питай ги“.

I hope you are well! I wanted to thank you for taking the time to apply to Poplus for some funding for your project. I know how hard you’re working at the moment and on very little funds. I’m sad to have to tell you that your proposal, great as it was, couldn’t be funded as we simply didn’t have the money to fund everything, as much as we wanted to do that!

I’ve attached a formal letter from the governance committee outlining the decision and also our commitment to try and help you, and your project, in other ways. Please do get in touch with me if any of the support offers interest you.

I wish you all the best with your project, and hopefully we’ll be speaking soon about continuing its progress together somehow.

Ето и споменатато официално писмо.

Хубавото е, че са харесали проекта и предлагат помощта си за да потръгне „Следи парламента“.

Една от опциите е да ни помогнат с намирането на финансиране от други източници.

Всеки неуспех носи по нещо хубаво.

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